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How life went on 7000 years ago
演员用绳索表现小说中渡船的场景,主人公翠翠的爷爷是一名ferryman.jpg W020231128740037214728_280.jpg 观众围坐一圈,演员在舞台中间表演。.jpg 演员在表演中既要扮演剧中数名角色,同时又要不定时作为“说书人”角色为观众介绍剧情,这是导演露丝·康内尔擅长的“说故事剧场”表演形式。.jpg 演出之前,饰演女主角翠翠的演员正向观众《边城》的故事背景.jpg
  • The appearance of the creators of the Hemudu culture can be deduced from the skulls they have left behind
  • A pottery bowl with a pig pattern found at the Hemudu site
  • A decoration at the entrance of the exhibition, based on a pattern from a vessel unearthed at the Hemudu site, is believed to show ancient people’s admiration for the sun and birds
  • Articles of daily use unearthed at the Hemudu site
  • A tortoise-shaped pottery vessel unearthed at the Tianluoshan site
  • 演员用绳索表现小说中渡船的场景,主人公翠翠的爷爷是一名ferryman.jpg
  • W020231128740037214728_280.jpg
  • 观众围坐一圈,演员在舞台中间表演。.jpg
  • 演员在表演中既要扮演剧中数名角色,同时又要不定时作为“说书人”角色为观众介绍剧情,这是导演露丝·康内尔擅长的“说故事剧场”表演形式。.jpg
  • 演出之前,饰演女主角翠翠的演员正向观众《边城》的故事背景.jpg

An exhibition commemorating 50 years of exploration of the Hemudu culture in Yuyao, Zhejiang Province, opened at the National Museum of China in Beijing on November 7. The exhibition features 324 artifacts from Hemudu as well as nearby Tianluoshan, Tashan and Jingtoushan sites.

The items unearthed there include remains of rice kernels, ceramic fragments and pottery vessels. They provide evidence of a flourishing Neolithic culture while affirming the Yangtze River basin, like the Yellow River basin, as a cradle of Chinese civilization.

The Hemudu National Archaeological Site Park, currently under construction, will simulate rice farming in the lower reaches of the Yangtze 7,000 years ago.

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by G.P. Wilson 

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com 


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