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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
Spinning threads, spanning generations
观众在现场跟身着传统服装的黎族非遗传承人交流。.JPG 观众在参观黎族各方言区的服饰.JPG 当代非遗传承人制作的龙凤朝阳图龙被,龙被技艺曾经一度失传.JPG 非遗传承人正在展示刺绣技艺.JPG
  • A visitor to the museum meets practitioners of Li traditional textile techniques
  • Li people from different dialect groups wear different traditional clothing
  • A quilt featuring a motif of dragons and phoenixes facing the sun, made by contemporary practitioners of the newly listed techniques
  • A member of the Li ethic group demonstrates traditional embroidering as part of the exhibition
  • 观众在现场跟身着传统服装的黎族非遗传承人交流。.JPG
  • 观众在参观黎族各方言区的服饰.JPG
  • 当代非遗传承人制作的龙凤朝阳图龙被,龙被技艺曾经一度失传.JPG
  • 非遗传承人正在展示刺绣技艺.JPG

The traditional textile spinning, dyeing, weaving and embroidering techniques of China's Li ethnic group were added to the UNESCO-endorsed Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on December 5.

These techniques have been passed down for 3,000 years, with the Li women picking them up generation after generation without any written records. When their survival seemed to be under threat, these techniques were added onto the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2009.

In recent years, Hainan Province, where much of the Li population lives, has made efforts to encourage the passing on and progress of these techniques, as well as their promotion overseas. Their inclusion on the Representative List is a reflection of these efforts.

The Chinese Traditional Culture Museum in Beijing is currently staging an exhibition to showcase the history, characteristics, protection and innovation of Li textiles. The exhibition runs from December 6 until January 5, 2025.

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by G.P. Wilson 

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com 


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