Special Reports
The Second ChinAfrica Short Video Competition
  ·  2020-08-28  ·   Source: ChinAfrica

I. Theme:

Working Hand in Hand for a Shared Future

- My Unforgettable Experience in 2020


II. Participants:

African people who have studied or are currently studying in China, have worked or are working in Chinese companies, or are interested in Chinese culture, as well as Chinese who are engaged in work involving China-Africa exchanges, are invited to submit their videos related to the above-mentioned theme of the competition. Entries can be submitted in the name of an individual or a team.


III. Entry Categories:

The entries will be divided into two groups for evaluation according to the length of the videos:

Micro video group: 30 seconds to one minute

Short video group: one to five minutes


IV. Prizes (For China, South Africa and Senegal zones combined):

One Special Prize: RMB 10,000

Micro Video Group:

One First Prize: RMB 3,000

Three Second Prizes: RMB 2,000

Five Third Prizes: RMB 1,000

Short Video Group:

One First Prize: RMB 3,000

Three Second Prizes: RMB 2,000

Five Third Prizes: RMB 1,000

One hundred Best Participation Prizes

Fifteen Best Organization Prizes: RMB 2,000


V. Entry Submission Method:

Participants in the main competition zone shall send their personal or team information (name, occupation, nationality, contact information) and their works to contacts@chinafrica.cn in the form of an email with the subject "Working Hand in Hand for a Shared Future+ title of the work.”

Entries from sub-zones would be submitted to the main zone by organizers of the sub-zones.

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