65th Anniversary of Pakistan-China Ties Celebrated
Pakistani ambassador says that Pakistan-China friendship model paves way for win-win cooperation in Asia
Edited by Li Nan  ·  2016-05-20  ·   Source: | Web Exclusive

Ambassador Masood Khalid addresses the gathering at the reception marking the 65th Anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China in Beijing on May 18 (COURTESY OF THE EMBASSY OF ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN) 

The Ambassador of Pakistan to China Masood Khalid has said that the model of friendship between Pakistan and Chinabased on mutual respect and common prosperitywill captivate other nations of the region to join the "Community of Shared Destiny", and pave the way for win-win cooperation in Asia.

He was addressing the participants of a reception marking the 65th Anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China in Beijing on the evening of May 18, according to a press release of the Pakistan Embassy.

"Our leadership is resolved to take Pakistan-China cooperation to new heights. The two governments have agreed to generate new momentum in the realm of economic cooperation. The launch of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)a flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative, has laid the foundation for solid and vibrant economic, social and cultural connectivity between Pakistan and China. This connectivity will serve as a catalyst for regional economic integration, peace and development. The economic corridor will also complement China's broader vision of building a Silk Road Economic Belt and Maritime Silk Road in the 21st century," said the Ambassador.

Ambassador Masood Khalid said that CPEC would bring cultural harmony between the two countries. In order to build a pool of Pakistani specialists in Chinese language, the Government of Pakistan's Punjab Province had recently sent a batch of 66 students to China to learn the Chinese language. This familiarization with Chinese language would be instrumental in promoting wider understanding of culture, history, traditions, social and business environment of China.

On similar lines, the Chinese universities were promoting Urdu language programmes and nine Chinese universities had started such programmes at the graduate level. The Confucius Institutes in Pakistan were also engaged in introducing Chinese culture and language. China Radio International network was also active in Pakistan. As a result of these efforts a treasure of goodwill and mutual understanding essential for reinforcing foundation of friendship and understanding at people-to-people level would be created, he added.

Talking about measures taken to boost bilateral trade as well as to deepen financial cooperation and facilitate interregional trade along the Silk Road, he said that the operationalization of Pakistani banks in China would place the implementation of CPEC projects on a faster track.

Senator Mushahid Hussain, who is the Chairman of Pakistan's Parliamentary Committee on CPEC, and also the Chairman of Pakistan China Institute (PCI) talked about his long association with China dating back to the 1970s. He shared his views about the immense transformation of China and how the country had moved forward since then. He said despite changes in geopolitical landscape the one factor that had remained constant was the solidarity and brotherhood between China and Pakistan.

He recalled that during one of his interviews by Chinese Central Television he was once asked about what was unique about China Pakistan relations? In response to that question he said that it was a resilient relationship that had strengthened despite changes in geopolitical landscape, because it's an all weather friendship whereby both countries had stood by each other and mutuality of interests had been reinforced by people-to-people, government-to-government, party-to-party and state-to-state contacts and relationships.

Sha Zukang, Chairman of China-Pakistan Friendship Association (CPFA), addresses the gathering at the reception marking the 65th Anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China in Beijing on May 18 (COURTESY OF THE EMBASSY OF ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN) 

Sha Zukang, Chairman of China-Pakistan Friendship Association (CPFA), said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations 65 years ago, bilateral relations between the two countries had withstood the tests of time and remained firm and fresh. Also, he added that on the basis of five principles of peaceful coexistence the two countries always respect, understand, trust and support each other, and that the all-weather friendship between China and Pakistan had become a paragon of mutual trust, cooperation, and harmonious relations between countries from various cultures and social systems.

The Vice President of Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) Hu Sishe said that the tree of China Pakistan friendship enjoyed luxuriant foliage and countless fruits. And CPAFFC since its establishment six decades ago, had been actively contributing to enrich the relations.

Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Pakistan last year has elevated the bilateral relation to all-weather strategic partnership, opening a new chapter of bilateral relations between Pakistan and China .

The participants also included a galaxy of old and new mutual friends of Pakistan and China including former Ambassadors to Pakistan Shen Yueyue, Vice Chairperson of National People's Congress Liu Zhenmin, President of CPFA and Rear Admiral Li Ji, Senator Mushahid Hussain, and Salman Bashir.

The reception was organized by the Embassy of Pakistan in Beijing, CPAFFC, and CPFA.

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