Planting a Tree of Peace
Pakistani ambassador visits the China World Peace Foundation
By Bai Shi  ·  2017-01-06  ·   Source: | Web Exclusive

 Pakistani Ambassador to China Masood Khalid (right) plants a tree in the Peace Garden located at the Kings Garden Villa in Beijing on January 5, 2017 (COURTESY OF EMBASSY OF PAKISTAN)

Masood Khalid, Ambassador of Pakistan to China, visited the China World Peace Foundation in Beijing on January 5, 2017 and met its Chairman Li Ruohong.

During the meeting, the ambassador said that the all-weather strategic cooperative partnership between China and Pakistan is based on mutual trust and unwavering friendship. The relationship of the two countries is a perfect model for other regional countries on how to coexist peacefully and build fraternal ties. The launch of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has elevated this friendship to new heights.

Ambassador Khalid shared the outcome of the recently concluded meeting of the Sixth Joint Cooperation Committee, which has agreed to increase cooperation in the fields of energy, communication infrastructure, special economic zones and people-to-people exchanges. Li underscored the importance of the bilateral friendship and vowed to further strengthen the economic and cultural ties between the two countries.

The ambassador visited the Museum of the China World Peace Foundation, which houses artworks from different countries of the world. He also planted a tree of friendship in the Peace Garden located at the Kings Garden Villa in Beijing.

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