U.S. should not play the Taiwan card
By Wen Qing  ·  2021-04-21  ·   Source: Web Exclusive


Zhou Wenzhong (right), former Chinese ambassador to the US, speaks during a session at the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2021 in Hainan Province, on April 19 (WEN QING)  

China does not want to change the U.S. But some people in the U.S. want to change China. This is one of the reasons behind the problems and difficulties between the two countries, Zhou Wenzhong, former Chinese ambassador to the U.S. said during a session at the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2021. 

Since the normalization of Sino-U.S. diplomatic relations, both parties have been paying much attention to the management of explosive and potentially dangerous issues in the bilateral ties, such as the Taiwan question, Zhou said.  

Sino-U.S. relations can be normalized on the premise that the U.S. recognizes the one-China policy. However, both the Donald Trump and Joe Biden administrations have gone on to aggravate China by playing the Taiwan card.  

For example, during the Trump administration, U.S. arms sales to Taiwan possibly exceeded the sum of nearly $20 billion; Trump also went on to sign the "Taiwan Travel Act," a measure that encourages exchanges between the U.S. and China's Taiwan at all levels. This year's U.S. military weapons sales to Taiwan might exceed a total of $5 billion.  

"The U.S. should respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China," Zhou stressed. 


Experts attend the session themed "Build a New Way of International Cooperation in a Post-Pandemic World" via video link during the BFA AnnualConference 2021 on April 19 (WEN QING)  

As the world’s two largest economies, China-U.S. relations could be defined as “managed strategic competition,” Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia said. Their core interests act as red lines for the other party, on which both sides will never compromise. Both should clearly understand that, he added.   

There are, without a doubt, those who fear China’s rise and want to stop it both geographically, as well as economically, Max Baucus, former U.S. ambassador to China said at the forum. Nevertheless, this would be a mistake as the U.S. is not able to stop this trend. Meanwhile, a “lack of good faith between the two sides is also a big problem,” he said. From the perspective of the U.S., China is not that transparent and its intentions are at times vague, leading to concerns, Baucus explained.  

Then again, sanctions do not resolve problems, and instead might end up harming the U.S. The U.S. should reevaluate its sanctions against China, he added. 

The BFA Annual Conference takes place from April 18 to 21 in Hainan Province. Over 2,600 attendees, including officials, entrepreneurs and scholars from over 60 countries and regions, were involved in this 20th edition of the forum. 

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon  

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