Xi's Focus
Xi's Focus: Xi Jinping on China-CEEC cooperation
  ·  2021-02-10  ·   Source: Web Exclusive

President Xi Jinping chaired the China-Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) Summit and delivered a keynote speech via video link in Beijing on February 9. Excerpts of Xi's speeches on China-CEEC cooperation follow: 

China-CEEC cooperation is based on mutual respect and has no political strings attached.  

Excerpts from President Xi's keynote speech at the China-CEEC Summit on February 9, 2021 

We have drawn on each other's strengths through mutual learning, and narrowed differences and resolved disagreements through consultation and cooperation. 

Excerpts from President Xi's keynote speech at the China-CEEC Summit on February 9, 2021  

We need to tackle COVID-19 head on and boost confidence in cooperation to tide over the tough times. 

Excerpts from President Xi's keynote speech at the China-CEEC Summit on February 9, 2021  

Good advice is better than gold. 

Excerpts from President Xi's keynote speech at the China-CEEC Summit on February 9, 2021 

We need to promote a global partnership of connectivity to achieve common development and prosperity. 

Excerpts from Xi's keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on April 26, 2019 


George N. Tzogopoulos 

EU-China Program director at the Centre International de Formation Européenne 

China can again offer insights about its experience to interested parties as it is the country that first suffered from COVID-19. But more importantly, it has been able to continue contributing to global growth by rolling out the Belt and Road Initiative. 

Sources: Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping: The Governance of China (III) and Beijing Review 
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