Xi's Focus
Xi's Focus: Xi Jinping on the development of children
  ·  2023-06-01  ·   Source: Web Exclusive
June 1 marks International Children's Day. Chinese President Xi Jinping recently wrote back to Bangladeshi child Alifa Chin, encouraging her to study hard, pursue her dream and carry forward the traditional friendship between China and Bangladesh. Chin was born in 2010 on the Chinese navy hospital ship Peace Ark when it came to Bangladesh to provide free medical services to local people. Edited excerpts from Xi's letter and speech on the development of children since 2014 follow:
Excerpts from Xi's reply ahead of the 2023 International Children's Day to the letter from Bangladeshi child Alifa Chin
Excerpts from Xi's reply ahead of the 2023 International Children's Day to the letter from Bangladeshi child Alifa Chin
Excerpts from Xi's reply ahead of the 2023 International Children's Day to the letter from Bangladeshi child Alifa Chin
Excerpts from Xi's talk ahead of International Children's Day with students at Beijing Yuying School on May 31, 2023
Excerpts from Xi's talk ahead of International Children's Day with students at Beijing Yuying School on May 31, 2023
Excerpts from Xi's speech at a discussion held at the Minzu Primary School of Haidian District in Beijing on May 30, 2014
Sources: Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping: The Governance of China (I)
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