Xi's Focus
Xi's Focus: Xi Jinping on BRICS cooperation
  ·  2023-08-23  ·   Source: Web Exclusive

Chinese President Xi Jinping said the collective rise of emerging markets and developing countries represented by BRICS is fundamentally changing the global landscape in a speech read out by Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao at the BRICS Business Forum on August 22. Whatever resistance there may be, BRICS, a positive and stable force for good, will continue to grow, Xi said. Edited excerpts from Xi's speeches on BRICS cooperation since 2018 follow:


 Excerpt from Xi's speech at the BRICS Business Forum on August 22, 2023 


 Excerpt from Xi's speech at the BRICS Business Forum on August 22, 2023 


 Excerpt from Xi's speech at the BRICS Business Forum on August 22, 2023 


 Excerpt from Xi's speech at the BRICS Business Forum on August 22, 2023 


 Excerpt from Xi's speech at the BRICS Business Forum on August 22, 2023 


 Excerpt from Xi's speech at the BRICS Business Forum on July 25, 2018 


 Sources: Xi Jinping: The Governance of China (III) and Xinhua News Agency  

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