Xi's Focus
Xi's Focus: Xi Jinping on Sino-U.S. cultural and people-to-people exchanges
  ·  2023-09-01  ·   Source: Web Exclusive

Chinese President Xi Jinping replied to a letter from John Easterbrook, grandson of late U.S. General Joseph Stilwell, on August 29. In his reply, Xi thanked Easterbrook for the letter sharing the story about the friendly exchanges between General Stilwell, several succeeding generations of the Stilwell family, and China. He said he felt the goodwill of the American people toward the Chinese people from the Stilwell family. In December 1941, following the outbreak of the Pacific War, Stilwell assumed roles including Chief of Staff for the Allied China Theater. He made significant contributions to the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. On September 2, 2015, Stilwell was honored with the medal in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Edited excerpts from Xi's reply and his speech on Sino-U.S. cultural and people-to-people exchanges since 2013 follow:


Excerpts from Xi's reply to the letter from John Easterbrook, grandson of former U.S. General Joseph Stilwell, on August 29, 2023


Excerpts from Xi's reply to the letter from John Easterbrook, grandson of former U.S. General Joseph Stilwell, on August 29, 2023


Excerpts from Xi's reply to the letter from John Easterbrook, grandson of former U.S. General Joseph Stilwell, on August 29, 2023


Excerpts from Xi's reply to the letter from John Easterbrook, grandson of former U.S. General Joseph Stilwell, on August 29, 2023


Excerpts from Xi's reply to the letter from John Easterbrook, grandson of former U.S. General Joseph Stilwell, on August 29, 2023


Excerpts from Xi's speech when meeting the press with U.S. President Barack Obama on June 7, 2013


Sources: Xi Jinping: The Governance of China (I) and Xinhua News Agency

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