On November 18 local time, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech titled Building a Just World of Common Development at Session I of the 19th Group of 20 (G20) Summit on Fight Against Hunger and Poverty in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.He pointed out that from Hangzhou to Rio, G20 leaders have been working for one and the same goal, that is, to build a just world of common development. Xi has repeatedly underscored the importance of promoting common development at G20 summits. Edited excerpts of his speeches on this topic since 2016 follow:Excerpt from Xi's opening speech at the G20 Hangzhou Summit on September 4, 2016Excerpt from Xi's speech at Session I of the 13th G20 Summit on November 30, 2018Excerpt from Xi's speech at Session I of the 16th G20 Summit on October 30, 2021Excerpt from Xi's speech at Session I of the 17th G20 Summit on November 15, 2022Excerpt from Xi's speech at Session I of the 19th G20 Summit on November 18, 2024Excerpt from Xi's speech at Session I of the 19th G20 Summit on November 18, 2024Sources: Xi Jinping: The Governance of China (II, IV), Xinhua News Agency and China.org.cn