Huawei keeps its innovation burning
By Tao Zihui  ·  2020-10-29  ·   Source: Web Exclusive

When Chinese telecom giant Huawei launched its new flagship product, its Mate 40 series of smartphones, in a global online event on October 22, it was not a simple product launch. It was a spirited response to a protracted persecution.

With the U.S. crackdown on the company intensifying and more countries excluding it from their 5G network construction under U.S. pressure, the company has responded in a spirit of innovation.

Besides improved performance, the new phones are also in the limelight because of the chip they use, Kirin 9000. It could be the last time Huawei phones use Kirin chips since their manufacturer TSMC has been blocked by the U.S. from supplying any more chips to Huawei.

Richard Yu, CEO of Huawei's consumer business, mentioned the company's dilemma briefly at the launch. "We are in a very difficult time," he said. There was an image of a rainbow on a screen behind him with the words: "We are committed to innovate for all mankind, no matter if rain or shine."

On October 16, Huawei hosted a live debate on its future on Twitter where four participants shared their views. Turkish economist Emre Alkin said in the face of the West's mistrust and misunderstanding, the only thing Huawei can do is to confront this crucial reality and improve its self-developed technology. "Huawei is continuing its investment in technology and showing what [it] is doing to the world," Alkin said.

Business analyst Andy Mok said, "Huawei is like the people of China. Survival is in their DNA. The way to Huawei's survival lies in its people's and employees' determination." In the long run, Huawei will overcome the attacks as it benefits not just its customers but also contributes to maintaining stability of the global chain, Mok said.

According to Ren Zhengfei, founder of Huawei, Huawei will not stop its passion for technology and technology for the greater good of society.

On September 10, at the inauguration of the Huawei Developers Conference 2020, Yu presented a slideshow that said, "No one could turn off all the star lights. Every developer represents a spark light." It was a reference to a famous quote by late Chinese leader Mao Zedong that "a single spark could start a prairie fire."

Copyedited by Sudeshna Sarkar

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