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Huawei reveals ownership of 120,000 patents worldwide
  ·  2023-09-20  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Chinese tech giant Huawei has obtained more than 120,000 authorized patents worldwide, the company said at an intellectual property forum on September 19.

The large patent holder attributed the achievement to its long-term commitment to research and development. Over the past 10 years, its accumulated R&D expenditure has reached 977.3 billion yuan (about $136 billion), said Wang Jianfeng, head of the company's Public and Government Affairs Department, at the ongoing 12th China Intellectual Property Annual Conference in Jinan, capital of east China's Shandong Province.

"In 2022 alone, despite the challenging external environment, Huawei's R&D investment reached 161.5 billion yuan, accounting for a quarter of its sales revenue," said Wang, noting that Huawei ranks fourth among global tech enterprises in R&D spending.

The company also likes sharing its innovations with the world. According to Wang, Huawei has been the largest open-source contributor in Asia, with several of its operating-system projects benefiting thousands of developers and users.


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