Beijing 2022 underpinned by new technologies
  ·  2022-01-05  ·   Source:

From competition facilities and sports equipment to support services, the development of the Winter Olympic Games is inseparable from science and technology. Now, winter sports can reach a wider audience thanks to the constant sci-tech upgrading, and athletes are further empowered to set world records.

Starting from the 5th Winter Olympics in St. Moritz, Switzerland, to the 23rd Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, the Republic of Korea, more accurate timing, more advanced sports equipment, and ultra-high-definition live broadcasts have all added appeal to the Games.

Staff at the weather center closely monitor key weather indicators and conduct forecasts after deliberation of predictions made by different algorithms. If unfavorable weather is forecast, they will report to the organizing committee, who will decide whether to reschedule events (XINHUA)

As for the upcoming Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, many new technologies will underpin its smooth running.

During the 24th Winter Olympics, full 5G coverage will be achieved in and around the Olympic venues.

The National Olympic Sports Center, Yanqing Competition Zone, and Shougang Industrial Park will be built into three innovative demonstration parks, providing automated vehicle sales, delivery, cleaning, and supermarket services. In addition, intelligent robots will be introduced in the Olympic venues and relevant scenic spots to offer luggage delivery and other assistance for athletes and coaches.

The big data platform of the Olympic Villages pools information on security, environment, energy consumption, and other intelligent services to respond to any possible emergencies promptly.

For environmental protection, energy-saving and clean energy vehicles will be employed to provide traffic services, including hydrogen-powered buses, pure electric cars, and hybrid ones. As a result, 85.84% of the total vehicles will be clean during this Olympics, setting a new record in the previous Winter Olympics.

In addition, key technologies will ensure efficient and effective meteorological services for the events, including advanced 3D meteorological monitoring by the second and accurate weather forecasting by 10 minutes in a range of 100 meters.

The organizers will also utilize China's self-developed high-speed moving target tracking and camera shooting system. The system can quickly locate the target and automatically track and film the Olympic downhill skiers who move at a high speed of 170 kilometers per hour.

Powered by cutting-edge technologies, Beijing will stage a smart Winter Olympics.

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