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Industry Associations in China to Be More Independent
  ·  2016-12-29  ·   Source:

China's industry associations and chambers, which traditionally have a close relationship with the government, will be given more independence but under stricter scrutiny.

Operational, financial and personnel affiliations between the government and associations will be gradually cut down, according to a circular released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA), the National Development and Reform Commission, and other eight central departments.

All the associations will be gradually turned into non-profitable NGOs and subject to supervision from the government and the public, the circular said.

The recruitment of government officials and their behaviors on the job in associations will also be closely watched, and officials are not allowed to get payment for serving in industry associations.

The circular also called for improved transparency of daily operations and strengthening Communist Party organization in the associations.

The government will also record and rate the creditability of associations, and punish malpractice in accordance with the law.

(Xinhua News Agency December 28, 2016)

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