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UN adopts Beijing Winter Olympic Truce Resolution
  ·  2021-12-03  ·   Source: China Daily

The United Nations General Assembly on December 2 adopted the Beijing Winter Olympic Truce Resolution drafted by China and co-sponsored by 173 member states.

Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the UN, told media after the adoption that the widespread support for the resolution reflects the international community's enthusiasm and confidence in the success of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

It was the second time since 2007 that a Chinese representative has introduced the Olympic Truce at the General Assembly, the ambassador said.

The resolution, "Building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal", calls on member states to promote peace, dialogue and reconciliation through sports. It also asks countries to cease hostilities from seven days before until seven days after the Olympic Games.

The highlight of China's resolution is that it "adds the Beijing 2022 visions and ideals for the Games and sends a powerful message of unity and cooperation in overcoming the pandemic", Zhang said.

The success of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games is especially important as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage across the world and global challenges are emerging one after another, Zhang said.

More than ever, the international community needs to uphold the Olympic spirit, maintain unity and strengthen cooperation, the ambassador said.

The consensus adoption of the Beijing Winter Olympic Truce Resolution shows the international community's confidence in China successfully hosting the Winter Games, demonstrates the expectation of all parties working together to showcase a high-level Winter Olympics Games, and illustrates the determination and pursuit of people from all countries to jointly build a peaceful and beautiful world, he added.

Zhang noted that the Olympics is "a grand event for all mankind". The Olympic Charter has set forth the principle that sport is neutral and must be separated from politics, he said.

"China is willing to work with the people of all countries to abandon all wrong words and deeds that are contrary to the Olympic spirit and detrimental to the development of the Olympic movement. China calls on all countries to take the Beijing Winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to eliminate differences through dialogue, replace confrontation with cooperation, enhance mutual understanding and maintain world peace and development," Zhang stressed.

While responding to reporters' questions, Zhang said that a few countries clamoring for a "diplomatic boycott'" of the Beijing Olympics is "unpopular and doomed to failure".

The Beijing Olympics is a grand event for athletes and ice and snow sports enthusiasts, who are the protagonists of the Games. The event's success does not depend on the attendance of officials from individual countries, he said.

In fact, according to the rules of the Olympic Games, politicians from various countries are invited to attend the Games by their own Olympic committees, Zhang added.

"As the host, China welcomes guests from all over the world. As for some people who say they don't want to come, my answer is, whether you come or not, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games will be here and it will be successful," the ambassador said.

Representatives from more than 20 countries, including Russia, France, Pakistan, Egypt, Qatar and Greece spoke at the meeting to support the resolution. They thanked China for its "inclusive, transparent and constructive attitude" during the consultations of the resolution, Zhang said.

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach, who was unable to attend in person due to COVID-19, sent his gratitude to China for submitting the Olympic Truce resolution. His speech was read by IOC Member and Permanent Observer for the IOC to the UN Luis Alberto Moreno.

"By adopting this resolution, you are supporting the mission of the Olympic Games to unite the best winter sport athletes of the entire world, without any discrimination whatsoever, in a peaceful and respectful competition. This bond of our shared humanity is even more relevant in our polarized world today," Bach said.

"We can only accomplish this mission if the Olympic Games stand above and beyond all political, cultural and other differences. This is only possible if the Olympic Games are politically neutral and do not become a tool to achieve political goals," he added.

He thanked China for preparing the Winter Games "with such great efficiency and dynamism". He noted that all Olympic venues in Beijing 2022 are being powered with renewable energy.

The participation of 300 million Chinese people in sport on snow and ice will push global participation in winter sports to new levels and will ensure that the Olympic venues will continue to be used in the future, he added.


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