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China appreciates support for Beijing Winter Olympics
  ·  2021-12-15  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

A Foreign Ministry spokesperson on December 14 expressed China's appreciation for the support shown by relevant countries and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for the Beijing Winter Olympics and their stance against politicizing sports.

Leaders and senior officials from many countries, including Venezuela and Cuba, have recently expressed their stance that the Olympic Games should not be politicized and they support the Beijing Winter Olympics. The declaration of the 10th Olympic Summit also voiced firm opposition to the politicization of the Olympic Games and sport in general.

"It is the common call of the international community, especially the Olympic Committees and athletes of various countries, to respect the principle of the political neutrality of the Olympic Games and avoid politicizing sports," spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a daily press briefing.

Noting that the Olympic Charter clearly states that the practice of sport is a human right, Wang said politicizing the Olympic Games is not only a violation of athletes' human rights, but also an act of blasphemy against the Olympic spirit, which goes against the trend of the times of solidarity and cooperation.

"With the joint efforts of all parties, it is believed that the Beijing Winter Olympics will surely become a stage to demonstrate the Olympic Motto of 'Faster, Higher, Stronger -- Together,' achieve the goal of engaging 300 million people in winter sports, and make contributions to promoting a peaceful and better world," he said.


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