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Gwadar's 1.2 MGD Water plant completed
  ·  2023-07-03  ·   Source: The Daily Mail, Pakistan
In order to provide clean water to residents of Gwadar, 1.2 MGD seawater desalination plant has finally been completed as per schedule on June 30. Formal inauguration is all set to be executed by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif during his likely visit to Gwadar after Eid Holidays.
Gwadar Port Authority (GPA) project director Dawood Baloch said water desalination plant has been done and dusted with a grant of Rs. 2 billion from China in collaboration with Gwadar Port Authority (GPA), National Engineering Services Pakistan and China Harbor Engineering Company (CHEC). Along with completion of Civil, mechanical and electrical work, Central room of 1.2 MGD desalination water plant is now up and running, he informed. Almost 90 percent manpower and human resource, he said, have been hired from local market of Gwadar and Balochistan. 

On a query, he said that all related equipment and apparatus have been installed in befitting manner to keep desalination water plant functional with full capacity. Alongside construction of 1.2 MGD desalination plant, an around 1 kilo meter long water supply line from plant site to Gwadar city’s main water supply network has also been laid down, he added 

Completion of 1.2 MGD Water Desalination Plant, spreading over approximately one acre land area, reflects China’s support for poor people of Gwadar desperately longing for clean water over the last many years. 

Besides drinkable water being supplied to people of Gwadar through water reservoirs, 1.2 MGD Water Desalination Plant project will be another source of clean water that will help meet the water demand of the Gwadar city and Gwadar port. 


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