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Apple opens largest retail store on Chinese mainland in Shanghai
  ·  2024-03-22  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Smartphone maker Apple on March 19 inaugurated its largest retail store on the Chinese mainland in Shanghai, with Apple CEO Tim Cook opening the doors of the new store and welcoming Chinese consumers.

The eighth Apple store in Shanghai is located in Jing'ansi Square in a central business district of the metropolis. It is the company's second-largest retail store globally.

The flagship store boasts more than 150 employees who can communicate with customers in English, Japanese, Korean, German, Spanish and Malay, in addition to the Chinese language in 25 varieties of Chinese dialects, according to Apple.

Diana Chou, market director for East China, Apple Retail, said that Apple values Chinese consumers, and Apple retail stores in China are among the busiest in the world.

"The new store just makes a perfect addition to the company's retail footprint in China," she said.

On Wednesday, Apple held a sharing session with Chinese suppliers such as BYD, Lens Technology and Shenzhen Everwin Precision Technology Co., Ltd., showcasing their latest achievements and progress in smart manufacturing, green manufacturing and talent training.


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