Confident but not complacent
Editorial  ·  2023-02-24  ·   Source: NO.9 MARCH 2, 2023

Every year, the National People's Congress (NPC), the highest state organ of power, and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, the top political advisory body, hold full sessions to deliberate matters relevant to the country's development. These two sessions will be convened in early March this year.

Each country is unique in its political system. Unlike in the U.S., where the government features three branches, the NPC is China's supreme state authority in that, in addition to being vested by the Constitution wide-ranging powers including enacting laws and electing leaders, it also stands above the executive, judicial and other branches of government.

At its annual full session, deputies review and approve the state budget as well as the government work report delivered by the premier and work reports of the Supreme People's Court, the nation's highest court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, which mainly deals with public prosecution and the supervision of criminal investigation. The NPC consists of some 3,000 elected deputies.

The system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is also uniquely Chinese. The CPPCC is a specialist consultative institution that provides advice on state governance by pooling wisdom from a wide spectrum of Chinese society. The CPPCC National Committee has over 2,000 members.

Challenges such as meeting the needs of a huge and diverse population and balancing development between east and west and between urban and rural areas make it impossible for China to copy the political models of the West. The CPC, the country's ruling party, has played a key role in devising and implementing a system tailored to China's realities.

Under this model, China has delivered results that speak for themselves. That's partly why China has advocated confidence in its political system. But it does not mean China believes its approach is flawless, nor does it provide a reason for complacency. The Chinese authorities have pledged to fuse growing confidence with continuous reform to better safeguard the people's right to democracy. It is also China's belief that all countries need to pursue a path to good governance based on their own national context, ruling out any possibilities to impose the Chinese model upon others.

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