AI: problems and promises
  ·  2023-05-09  ·   Source: NO.19 MAY 11, 2023
Will artificial intelligence (AI) replace my job? This is a question that lingers in the minds of many these days.

Similar concerns surfaced a couple of years ago when said technology narrowly defeated a champion of the game Go. At present, the application of AI robotics in a range of professional fields, as well as ChatGPT's abilities to write essays, solve complex problems, compose song lyrics, do school homework, and more, have heightened moral concerns.

The question today is: How should we, as humans, respond to the impact of AI? Should we embrace it or avoid it?

Optimists see AI as the ultimate cure for society's most fundamental problems, while pessimists fear that AI will overtake human intelligence. Underlying these two views is the assumption that AI is better and smarter than humanity and may ultimately replace human decision-making. But given the fact that technology is the product of human civilization, the challenge from AI is something we have created for ourselves as we keep pushing our own boundaries. In other words, AI's progress, functions and future direction are all determined by the human brain.

Before AI becomes a threat to humanity, the international community should reach a consensus on the role it is to play.

More importantly, related laws and regulations must ensure that AI will benefit society and prevent the possibility of the technology threatening human life or ethics. Robots, for example, are believed to acquire emotional intelligence sometime, referring to the ability of robots to recognize, understand and express emotions in a way that is similar to humans, but we must avoid AI copying human emotions. Without legal restrictions, AI becomes a social disaster waiting to happen.

The AI-driven new industrial revolution is irreversible. This, like previous ones, all of which introduced changes that had been unimaginable before, will certainly affect human employment. But it always turned out humanity was able to adapt to each industrial revolution and create new forms of employment. It's unnecessary to worry AI will replace our jobs.

While technology advances at a rapid pace, what we need to do is to embrace the AI era rather than block its unfolding for fear of the unknown.


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