The ability to prevent and combat natural disasters should be modernized
  ·  2020-08-30  ·   Source: NO.36 SEPTEMBER 3, 2020

The Chinese nation has been fighting against natural disasters for thousands of years and has accumulated valuable experience. The need to live in harmony with nature should be underlined, the ability to prevent and combat natural disasters should be modernized, and a stronger shield against natural disasters should be further forged.

In order to improve the capability to prevent and combat disasters, it is necessary for local governments to coordinate the efforts of all relevant departments to guarantee the safety of the people. Moreover, while integrated management of natural disaster principles is common, the measures are different from one place to another depending on social, economic, climatic, and geophysical conditions. Local governments should work with all sectors of society to strengthen monitoring and forecasting of floods so that their forces can be deployed more efficiently and effectively.

It is also necessary to detect and remove hazards in a timely manner, safeguard people's lives and property, and assist with relief and reconstruction efforts. Key work such as long-term plans and reforming policy systems must be intensified. To help disaster-hit regions overcome difficulties, an established mechanism should be in place that allows local authorities to apply for disaster relief and makes relief operations more timely and efficient.

This is an edited excerpt of an article originally published in Guangming Daily on August 20
(Print Edition Title: Capability to Prevent And Combat Disasters)



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