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Torrential Rain Wreaks Havoc in South China
  ·  2017-06-26  ·   Source:

Days of torrential rain triggered floods and landslides in many parts of south China, forcing the evacuation of more than 450,000 people.

Over 3,000 rescuers are searching for 93 persons still buried under rocks and mud by a landslide in southwest China's Sichuan Province.

The landslide engulfed 62 homes in Xinmo village in Maoxian County in the Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Aba in the morning on June 24, blocking a 2-km section of river and burying 1,600 meters of road.

Ten people have been confirmed dead and 15 people had been taken off the list of missing as they were not in Xinmo village when the disaster struck, said Xu Zhiwen, deputy chief of Aba prefecture.

Only three people from one family were rescued hours after the landslide. The chance of survival for the missing ones is slim, rescuers said.

Rain-triggered disasters have also left at least 22 people dead and six missing in provinces of Jiangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Yunnan and Anhui.

In Jianxi, heavy rain that started to lash on June 22 has affected 1.8 million people and forced 270,000 people to be relocated to safe places in 47 counties and districts, the provincial flood control authorities said.

Flash floods and landslides have left six people dead and three others missing in Jiangxi.

The rain is forecast to weaken on June 26 and 27 but to get heavier again on June 28 and 29.

In Guizhou, nine people were killed and two remained missing after torrential rain pounded the region over the past few days. Heavy rain also damaged 35,418 hectares of crops and inflicted a direct economic loss of 610 million yuan ($89 million).

In Hunan, 151,900 people were evacuated and 642 small and medium-sized reservoirs overflowed in wake of the largest rainfall this year.

Three people of a family in Luxi County of Hunan were found dead in a landslide that occurred on June 24.

The water in 14 rivers along the Yangtze River valley has risen above warning levels and heavy rains in the coming few days could further raise the water level in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the Changjiang Water Resources Commission said June 25.

(Xinhua News Agency June 25, 2017) 

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