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7 Dead, at Least 7 Missing as Latest Downpours Hit China
  ·  2016-07-20  ·   Source:

The latest downpours to hit China have killed seven people and left at least seven missing, authorities said.


The heavy rain in central China's Hubei Province has killed five residents in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, bringing the death toll in Hubei to six, according to the provincial bureau of civil affairs. One person remains missing.


The downpours since July 17 have affected 807,800 people in 35 cities and counties in Hubei, according to the bureau.


In north China's Hebei Province, strong rain killed one person and left at least six residents missing in Cixian County, according to the local government. Three people are still trapped. Rescuers are trying to reach the site, but flooded roads are hampering rescue efforts.


More heavy rain is forecast to hit China in the coming days, said the China Meteorological Administration. The National Meteorological Center has also raised its storm alert from yellow to orange.


China has a four-tier color-coded system for severe weather, with red being the most serious, followed by orange, yellow and blue.


The center advised residents to take precautions against possible floods, landslides, mudslides and rock flows.


(Xinhua News Agency July 19, 2016)

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