The plenary session decided that the stress of the Party's work should shift to socialist modernization as of 1979.
Eighteen hungry farmers from Xiaogang Village, Anhui Province, signed a secret pact, lighting the torch for China's rural revolution.
In 1980, China began building special economic zones in Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shantou in Guangdong Province and in Xiamen in Fujian Province.
China's reform, oriented towards market forces and a vigorous economy, enters its 10th year
On April 13, with the approval of the 7th National People's Congress, Hainan Island, formerly an administrative region of Guangdong Province, became a province and was proclaimed the fifth and largest special economic zone in China.
The famous remarks made by Deng Xiaoping during his inspection tour of south China in early 1992.
More than 10 Chinese and foreign personalities of various circles comment on great changes brought about by China's reform and opening policies over the 20 years.
After 15 years of effort, China finally sees the light at the end of tunnel in its endeavor to join the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Since the shift from an economic model based on rigid central planning to a market economy was launched, Chinese society has undergone profound changes. Because of this, the Chinese economy has made great leaps forward in reform-minded optimism.
Four decades of reform and opening up have influenced China's past and will continue to impact its future.